Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cut to the Chase

"So, What happened to you? One day your last name is one thing, and then suddenly it is another thing. I never knew you were getting a divorce. What happened there? Oh, my God, will you listen to me. I am so rude! I can't believe I just said that! Sometimes I just say whatever is in my mind, and I really put my foot in it!"

By the end of this quote, I was laughing hysterically. This was said to me today by my friend Kay. Kay has not known me all that long, but I adore her. So, I gave her the briefest of a synopsis, and said the rest would have to wait for a cocktail hour.

However, this is about Kay, and about her style and beauty. Kay and I met because I emailed my networking group last October looking for someone who could let me borrow a saree to show my class that I teach. Kay would not allow me to simply borrow the saree. She insisted on dressing me, doing my hair, makeup, giving me jewelry, and sending me home with a fantastic chicken curry meal. Must say I looked awesome. It was so much fun, and my class loved it.

Kay is a gracious hostess, and a fantastic cook. She is genuinely a great friend. She is from South Africa, and is Indian, and is so lovely. She has the most incredible blend of cultures in her home, African masks, Ganesh statues, and very American big tv and living room furniture. One of my favorite images ever, at a Bollywood party she had, was of her high school aged daughter and friends, dressed in sarees and full regalia, playing Wii.

So, Kay being so gracious, lovely, and usually apologetic and self depricating, when she blurted out this query this afternoon, I thought it was hilarious.

Some people could say the same thing and I would be very offended. However, I believe Kay could ask anyone almost anything, and they would tell her.

My friend Myra wants to start a business called "Myra Tells You the Truth." Myra is good at that. Maybe she should hire Kay to ask the questions.