Sunday, June 28, 2009


A week ago was the Summer Solstice. I have a tradition of gathering with friends on that night, as well as the Winter Solstice, to share our goals and dreams. The act of publicly affirming what I wish to achieve has so much power. I always see positive results in my life. This blog is an example. I have always said I want to write. It was the approaching solstice that finally made me get going and take action. There are many examples in my life that involve moving forward, but that is a topic for another entry. Or maybe several.

A few girlfriends gathered last Sunday, and it was amazing how parallel many of us were in our hopes and desires for the next six months. As I go about my day now, I am focused on my goals, and I can't help but think about the goals others shared for themselves.

I talked to my oldest son about goal setting. The experts say that those who set goals are more successful. Those who write down those goals are even more successful, and those who refer to and re-evaluate their goals are the most successful of all. I don't think it is at all silly to have a goal of doing this on a regular basis. I did that, and now I have made goal setting a regular thing that I do throughout my year. It gives structure and support, like a skeleton around which the flesh of my life is shaped.

The new year is a good time to set goals. So is my birthday. The winter and summer solstice both work for me also. Goal setting is a celebration of my life. It is a time to revel in accomplishments, and to focus on the future. I also like the ceremonial aspect of my personal goal setting. Then, with goals in my mind and heart, go forward along the path I choose, and be.

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